<script type="text/javascript"
Simplest usage: Place the following code anywhere into your document (but below the above request):<script type="text/javascript">
HTML Tags:
The Javascript of the simple usage will output the selected banner with the following HTML code into your website:
<A href="...banner-destination..." target="_blank">
<h1>Title of the banner</h1>
<p>Description of the banner</p>
<img src="...url of the banners image..." border="0" />
You may pass arguments to the show-function to customize the simple usage, the function will notice the following args: class, style, title_tag, description_tag. As an example, calling the function with class and title_tag set:
<script type="text/javascript">
'class' : 'myclass',
'title_tag' : 'span',
will output the banner as follows:
<A href="...banner-destination..." target="_blank" class="myclass">
<span class="myclass">Title of the banner</span>
<p class="myclass">Description of the banner</p>
<img src="...url of the banners image..." border="0" class="myclass" />
Please note that the default <h1>...</h1> has changed to <span>...</span> and the class="myclass" has been added to all items. For further customization you may restrict the style or class to specific elements: title, description, image and url:
<script type="text/javascript">
'title_tag' : 'div',
'title_class' : 'myclass',
'title_style' : 'color:red;',
'description_tag' : 'span',
'description_style' : 'color:white;',
'url_class' : 'mylink',
'image_class' : 'myimage',
will result in the following HTML:
<A href="...banner-destination..." target="_blank" class="mylink">
<div class="myclass" style="color:red;">Title of the banner</div>
<span style="color:white;">Description of the banner</span>
<img src="...url of the banners image..." border="0" class="myimage" />
Editorial ads usually have different image sizes available. When no width & height is specified, the first available image is selected. If you specify the width and height, the adserver will render the image with same or closest size ratio, i.e.:
<script type="text/javascript">
'width' : '100',
'height' : '75',
will use an image with a similar size ratio of 100x75 and instruct the browser to resize the image to 100x75.
Some sites may want to hide the title, description or image. So you may instruct the show function to hide them:
<script type="text/javascript">
'no_image' : true,
will show you only the title and description, but no image. In reverse, you may show only the image, but no title and no description:
<script type="text/javascript">
'no_title' : true,
'no_description' : true,
It is also possible to limit the length of the title and/or description, i.e.:
<script type="text/javascript">
'title_length' : '20',
'description_length' : '40',
restricts the length of the title to max. 20 characters and the description to max. 40 characters.
<!--/* Ad4Game Editorial Tag */-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ads.ad4game.com/www/
<script type="text/javascript">
if (ad4game.ok()) {
// init
//get the click-url of the current ad
var url = ad4game.get_url();
//get the target-window of the current ad, usually '_blank'
var target = ad4game.get_target();
//get the title of the current ad, max. 20 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var title = ad4game.get_title(20);
//get the description of the current ad, max. 40 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var description = ad4game.get_description(40);
//get an image which the most same o closest aspect to the given size
var imageUrl = ad4game.get_image(100, 200);
ad4game.pixel(); // Very important, do not remove
// end init
//You may now use the above informations to create customized html within your document:
// start customizing here
document.write('<div id="editorial">');
document.write('<p><a href="'+url+'" target="'+target+'" title="'+title+'"><img src="'+imageUrl+'" border="0" /></a>');
document.write('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></p>');
// end customizing
Multiple banners on a single website:
You may append same (or different) zoneIDs to the initial request to advice the ad4game ad server
to load and show more than 1 banner a time:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ads.ad4game.com/www/delivery/edito-select.php?zoneid=123&limit=4"></script>
Above will prepare 4 ads for your website, first from zone 123, followed by zone 456, 123 (again!) and 567.
You switch the context of the ad4game-object by calling next() on it:
First Ad :
<script type="text/javascript">
if (ad4game.ok()) {
// init
//get the click-url of the current ad
var url = ad4game.get_url();
//get the target-window of the current ad, usually '_blank'
var target = ad4game.get_target();
//get the title of the current ad, max. 20 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var title = ad4game.get_title(20);
//get the description of the current ad, max. 40 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var description = ad4game.get_description(40);
//get an image which the most same o closest aspect to the given size
var imageUrl = ad4game.get_image(100, 200);
ad4game.pixel(); // Very important, do not remove
// end init
//You may now use the above informations to create customized html within your document:
// start customizing here
document.write('<div id="editorial">');
document.write('<p><a href="'+url+'" target="'+target+'" title="'+title+'"><img src="'+imageUrl+'" border="0" /></a>');
document.write('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></p>');
// end customizing
All other Ads :
<script type="text/javascript">
//Get the next available ad
if (ad4game.ok()) {
// init
//get the click-url of the current ad
var url = ad4game.get_url();
//get the target-window of the current ad, usually '_blank'
var target = ad4game.get_target();
//get the title of the current ad, max. 20 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var title = ad4game.get_title(20);
//get the description of the current ad, max. 40 characters , leave () empty for no limit
var description = ad4game.get_description(40);
//get an image which the most same o closest aspect to the given size
var imageUrl = ad4game.get_image(100, 200);
ad4game.pixel(); // Very important, do not remove
// end init
//You may now use the above informations to create customized html within your document:
// start customizing here
document.write('<div id="editorial">');
document.write('<p><a href="'+url+'" target="'+target+'" title="'+title+'"><img src="'+imageUrl+'" border="0" /></a>');
document.write('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></p>');
// end customizing
The following snippet renders 4 Editorial Units as <li> tags:
<!--/* Ad4Game Editorial Tag */-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ads.ad4game.com/www/delivery/
<script type='text/javascript'><!--//<![CDATA[
var nbrgames = 4;
for(var i=0;i<nbrgames;i++){
if(i>0) ad4game.next();
if (ad4game.ok()) {
// init
var url = ad4game.get_url();
var target = ad4game.get_target();
var imageUrl = ad4game.get_image(70, 70);
var title = ad4game.get_title(20);
var description = ad4game.get_description(500);
ad4game.pixel(); // Very important, do not remove
// end init
// HTML Customizing
document.write('<li class="ad4"><a href="'+url+'" target="'+target+'"><img src="'+imageUrl+'" width="64" height="64" alt="'+description+'"/><span>'+title+'</span></a></li>');
// End HTML Customizing