From Ad4Game Help
Contents |
Returns information for a specific offer. Result can display a set of fields for the requested offer:
- - Id : the offer id
- - Name : the offer name
- - Platform : supported
- - DailyCap : max lead per day.
- - PreviewUrl : offer landing page.
- - TrackingUrl : Ad4Game tracking url
- - Description : Description of the offer
- - RestricteddTraffic :
- - Country : targeted country
- - OptIn : offer opt-in can be either DOI or SOI
- - Rate : Net Rate paid to affiliate in $ USD
- - EndDate : expire time of the offer
URL[YOUR API KEY]&zoneId=[YOUR ZONE ID]&affiliateId=[YOUR AFFILIATE ID]&method=findOne&format=[xml OR json]&offerId=[OFFER ID]
HTTP Method(s)
Filters :
- countries : list of countries (ISO code) sperated by a comma (CA,US,FR,JP).
- optIn : can be either DOI or SOI.
- platform : can be either Display, Android, IOS or Android & IOS.
- restrictedTraffic : restricted traffic sources can be either S, SEM, B, D, E, P or T
S: Social traffic (facebook, etc) SEM: Search Engine Marketing e.g. Google AdWords B: Brand Bidding D: Display / Banners E: Email Marketing P: Pop Unders T: Text Links / Editorial content
Reponses types
{"error":"Success", "Offers": {"3":{ "OfferId":"3", "OfferName":"The West", "Platform":"Display", "DailyCap":"None", "PreviewUrl":"http:\/\/", "TrackingUrl":"http:\/\/\/www\/delivery\/dck.php?offerid=3&zoneid=7711", "Description":"Discover new land and experience exciting adventures and duels! The West is waiting for you!", "RestrictedTraffic":" Display \/ Banners, Email Marketing, Pop Unders, Text Links \/ Editorial content","Restrictions":"", "countries":[ {"CountryName":"AT","OptIn":"SOI","endDate":"2013-08-16 15:55:42","Rate":"1.92"}, {"CountryName":"AU","OptIn":"SOI","endDate":"2013-08-16 15:55:42","Rate":"0.40"} ] } } }
<Offers> <Offer Id="656"> <Name>The Hobbit Android</Name> <Platform>Android Smartphone & Tablet</Platform> <DailyCap>63</DailyCap> <PreviewUrl></PreviewUrl> <TrackingUrl></TrackingUrl> <Description>The battle for Middle-earth has just begun! PLAY FOR FREE and join thousands worldwide to drive ..</Description> <RestrictedTraffic> Social traffic (facebook, etc), Social traffic (facebook, etc) Email MarketingM, Brand Bidding</RestrictedTraffic> <Countries> <Country name="US"> <OptIn>SOI</OptIn><Rate>$3.75</Rate> <EndDate>2013-09-15 16:47:12</EndDate> </Country> </Countries> </Offer> </Offers>